The Role of Healthcare Communication Skills and Their Impact on Outpatient Satisfaction at a Public Hospital in Bogor Regency


  • Roni Jayawinangun Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Pakuan University, 16129 Bogor, Indonesia
  • Dwi Rini Sovia Firdaus Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Pakuan University, 16129 Bogor, Indonesia
  • Imani Satriani Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Pakuan University, 16129 Bogor, Indonesia
  • Muhamad Ivan Maulana Department of Public Relations, Ciawi Regional General Hospital, 16720 Bogor, Indonesia


Communication skill, Health care, Public hospital, Satisfaction


This study aims to empirically test the relationship between healthcare communication and patient satisfaction. A hypothetical model was developed based on social interaction theory. Data were collected from 254 outpatient respondents at General Hospitals in Bogor Regency through a questionnaire administered in June 2024. The structural equation model (SEM) was implemented using SmartPLS for data analysis. The findings reveal that the dimensions of healthcare communication skills—problem-solving, respect, and nonverbal closeness—significantly influence patient satisfaction, as defined by Ministerial Regulation No. 17 of 2017. These dimensions affect key satisfaction indicators, including implementer behavior, service procedures, and service time. The study has practical implications for public hospitals, particularly those seeking to enhance their performance by improving communication skills in areas such as problem-solving, respect, and nonverbal immediacy. By focusing on these communication aspects, healthcare organizations can improve the overall patient experience. This research contributes to the literature on quality management by highlighting the importance of communication skills and their impact on patient satisfaction, offering valuable insights for both healthcare providers and policy-makers aiming to optimize service quality.


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How to Cite

Jayawinangun, R., Firdaus, D. R. S., Satriani, I., & Maulana, M. I. (2024). The Role of Healthcare Communication Skills and Their Impact on Outpatient Satisfaction at a Public Hospital in Bogor Regency. International Journal of Sustainable Development & Future Society, 2(1), 30–38.


