Application of Augmented Reality-Based Learning Technology to Information Processing and Memory in Vocational High Schools: A Literature Review
Augmented reality, Vocational high schools, Learning technology, Information processing memory, Technical skillsAbstract
This study explores the benefits and challenges of implementing Augmented Reality (AR) technology to enhance learning effectiveness in Vocational High Schools (SMKs), particularly in improving students’ memory and understanding of technical concepts. Through a literature review, this research focuses on studies involving SMK students as the primary participants, with teachers providing additional insights to assess the readiness and impact of AR in vocational education. AR technology offers interactive, three-dimensional simulations in real-world environments, such as workplaces, allowing students to develop technical skills in a practical, safe, and immersive setting. In vocational education, AR has been found to improve students’ memory retention and conceptual comprehension, helping them grasp complex information and technical procedures necessary for fields like automotive, welding, and machining. This technology effectively overcomes the limitations of traditional learning methods, which often struggle to represent abstract concepts visually. Despite these advantages, the implementation of AR in SMKs faces significant challenges. Key obstacles include limited budgets, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of technical expertise among educators. The high costs associated with AR hardware and software remain a barrier for many SMKs, particularly in Indonesia. Also, successful integration of AR requires extensive teacher training to ensure effective use of the technology in the curriculum. The literature review identifies the benefits of AR, the challenges involved, and potential solutions for its successful implementation. The findings are intended to guide educational institutions and policymakers in developing effective, efficient, and sustainable strategies for incorporating AR into vocational high schools.
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