Investigating the Gender Mainstreaming Policies on the Political Sector in West Sumatra, Indonesia: An Analytical Approach
Policy effectiveness, Gender mainstreaming policies, Political sector, Indonesia contextAbstract
Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) is a government strategy to ensure that men and women gain access, participation, control, and fair benefits in development, including in the political field. Although the Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) policy has long been echoed in West Sumatra, the Gender Development Index (IPG) in the political sector in West Sumatra Province is still below the provincial and national averages. This study will describe how the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) policies in development, especially in the political field in West Sumatra Province, uses four variables of public policy effectiveness from Edward III's theory, namely Communication, Resources, Disposition or Attitude of Executors, and Bureaucracy. The results of the study show that the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) policies in the political field in West Sumatra Province has not been full as planned. This is due to the lack of socialization and coordination between implementers as well as the economic and social environment that has not supported the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in West Sumatra Province and the inadequate availability of human and financial resources. On the one hand, the participation and cooperation of regional apparatus organizations of the West Sumatra Province have been good in designing and responding to Gender Mainstreaming policies.
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