Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Evaluating the Attributes Affecting Customer Preferences for Fresh Pork Products: An Application of Kano Model and Conjoint Analysis
Nilamon Mahatthanachosit, Rungchat Chompu-inwaiAbstract : 87PDF : 8846-53 -
Malaysia's Sustainable Future: Navigating Industry 4.0 through a Low-Carbon Agenda
Muhammad Shabir Shaharudin, Yudi Fernando, Anisha Banu Dawood GaniAbstract : 93PDF : 8758-64 -
A Review of Renewable Energy Infrastructure Trends Literature: A Case Study of Shopping Mall, Pasar Gedhe Klaten, Indonesia
Ari Nuriana, Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan, Sulidar Fitri, Grida Saktian LaksitoAbstract : 138PDF : 13465-72 -
A Review of Flood Mitigation Literature: A Case Study of Sidoarjo Regency, Indonesia
Fifiet Koerniawan, Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan, Grida Saktian LaksitoAbstract : 109PDF : 13473-79 -
Competency Models for Advancing Transformation in Account Representative Roles
Deny Sahat Mangitua SiraitAbstract : 67PDF : 8380-85 -
Analyzing the Financial Performance of PT. Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk
Bambang Widjanarko, Awan Panjinata, Agus Sukoco, Joko SuyonoAbstract : 191PDF : 9786-92