Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November 2023
The Effect of Principal Leadership and Educational Personnel Performance on Quality of Education in Tebing Tinggi City, Indonesia
M. Alang Khairun Nizar, Imelda Mardayanti, Haya Haratikka, Yenni Arfah, Dedy Dwi ArsetoAbstract : 67PDF : 9134-39 -
Uncovering the Lack of Public Accountability: An Application of Accounting Standards for Entities in Indonesia
Padri Achyarsyah, Muhammad Nur, Erwin Indriyanto, Kumba Digdowiseiso, Mohd Hassan Che HaatAbstract : 153PDF : 10840-44 -
Examining the Effect of Brand Image, Price and WoM Communication on Purchase Decisions: A Case Study of Rinnai Gas Stove
Rakhmawati Purba, Kumala Vera Dewi, Aisyah Siregar, Sri Winda Hardiyanti DamanikAbstract : 274PDF : 13245-51 -
The Effect of Capital Structure, Financial Performance, Firm Growth and Size on Firm Value: Empirical Study on Manufacturing Listed Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Rapat Piter Sony Hutauruk, Rika Surianto Zalukhu, Daniel CollynAbstract : 130PDF : 9952-57 -
Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems: A Case Study of Government Agency in North Nias Regency, Indonesia
Rika Surianto Zalukhu, Mangasi Sinurat, Daniel Collyn, Rapat Piter Sony Hutauruk, Ari SyahputraAbstract : 172PDF : 12158-63 -
Dynamic Relationship between Exchange Rate of Hang Seng Index and LQ45 Index: Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic
Yenni Arfah, Didik Gunawan, Imelda Mardayanti, Haya Haratikka, Depina AnggunAbstract : 89PDF : 14064-68 -
Investigating the Effect of Cultural Diversity Management and Employee Engagement on Work Performances: Mediating Role of Cross-Cultural Leadership
Sonia Margaretha Marpaung, Harmein Nasution, Elisabeth SiahaanAbstract : 212PDF : 19969-75