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International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Technology & Operations Management (IJIETOM) is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal published 2 (two) times a year, i.e., June and December. IJIETOM focused on the diffusion of articles in the field of Industrial Engineering, Technology and Operations Management. IJIETOM covers theoretical, computational, and experimental investigations of all aspects of the Industrial Engineering, Technology and Operations Management areas. Areas covers (but not limited to) Computational Intelligence in Industrial Engineering, Consumer Product Design, Engineering Economy and Cost Estimation, Facilities Design and Location, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Business and Process Excellence, Construction Management, Data Analytics, Decision Sciences, Energy and Resource Efficiency, Facilities Planning and Management, Healthcare Systems, Manufacturing Applications, Human Factors and Ergonomics, Industry 4.0, Inventory Management, Knowledge Management, Lean and Six Sigma, Logistics, Transport and Traffic Management, Modeling and Simulation, Operations Research, Production Planning and Control, Quality, Reliability and Maintenance, Service Systems and Service Management, Supply Chain Management, Sustainability and Green Systems, Sustainable Manufacturing, Systems Engineering, Maintenance Engineering and Management, Materials Handling, Performance Analysis and Simulation, Production Systems Design, Planning and Control, Productivity and Business Strategies, Project Management, Technology Management and Transfer, Total Quality Management and Quality Technology, Work Measurement and Methods Engineering.